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Copyright Information for This Website and All of Its Contents


Tools and development platform belong to Wix and, a website development site.

Formatting, design and design ideas used with content and tools within my websites belongs to Annie Lo.

All creative content is defined as and includes but is not limited to photographs, images, videos, pdfs, documents, writing, ideas (original thought and intellectual property), video production, photographic production, image production, writing production, production of ideas, performances, dances, choreography, choreographic notes, theater performances, plays, scripts, performance art work, lighting design, set design, costume design, makeup design, graphic design, marketing tools, marketing materials, visual art work and images, music, lyrics, music recordings, recordings, interviews, essays, editorials, and any other creative content featured or linked on this website. From here foreward in this statement, all creative content is defined as such. All creative content as aforementionned is the property and intellectual property of Annie Lo. All creative content as defined above is not to be reproduced, used or distributed without legal written consent from the owner, Annie Lo. All creative content as defined above is able to be used within legal permission of copyright laws.

Creative content as defined above may be allocated Creative Commons liscenses as per, and if such is the case, it will be clearly stated in association with the creative material. Creative content featured may be the property of associates, other people, and organizations, in which case it will be stated and used with legal permission by the person or organization.


If not otherwise stated, all creative content as defined above is the property of and copyrighted to Annie Lo.


For questions or inquiries in regards to use of all creative content on this website, featured and referenced, and for publishing, interview, quoting, and marketing inquiries and all other inquiries please contact Annie Lo (director/owner of website/performance artist) at:
Annie Lo
Boulder, CO, USA

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